- 南京市建邺区新地中心二期1811室
- 025-68022553/18656039003
- 526634632@qq.com
- 苏老师
- 学子姓名
- 录取学校
- 录取专业
- 陈同学
- la lumiere school
- la lumiere school
- 孙同学
- brewster academy
- brewster academy
- 石同学
- miss hall''''s school
- miss hall''s school
- 傅同学
- wayland academy
- wayland academy
- 龚同学
- the rectory school
- the rectory school
- 姜同学
- the bement school
- the bement school
- 薛同学
- wasttown school
- wasttown school
- 赵同学
- dunn school
- dunn school
- 郭同学
- dana hall school
- dana hall school
- 孔同学
- kent school
- kent school
- 武同学
- fay school
- fay school